• 22 August 2023

Advances in the DINAMINE Project!

Activities in the DINAMINE project did not stop during the summer!

Saman Tavakoli (PhD) of NGI – Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, who leads the work package on Exploration and Geomodels, has been conducting petrophysical measurements on over 200 meters of rock core samples from our mining industry partners Grupo MCS – MOTA CERAMIC SOLUTIONS (Portugal) and Skaland Graphite AS (Norway). The core sample measurements include electrical resistivity, Induced Polarization effect, density and magnetic susceptibility.

We would like to express our thanks to Professor Thorkild Maack Rasmussen, Castello Joao Junior Joao, and Dr. Mehdi Parian from Luleå University of Technology for providing us with access to Petrophysical and Mineral Processing laboratories and for all their support during the visit.

After the measurements are complete, the samples will be shipped to the Netherlands where project partner SPECTRAL Industries will conduct laser-based spectroscopy to characterize chemical composition of the samples.



Stay tuned for exciting results!