• 10 May 2023


SPECTRAL Industries is a high-tech company that manufactures optical sensors based on the LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) technology for robust and real time chemical sensing. SPECTRAL offers tailor-made solutions for demanding industrial applications ranging from mining to recycling to material processing. A big part of SPECTRAL’s work is dedicated to the mining sector where the combination of robustness, high speed and accuracy is of paramount importance. SPECTRAL’s LIBS-based sensors offer such features for an inline and real-time multi-element characterization of the materials without using any sample preparation. The possibility of performing in-situ chemical analysis without any sample preparation makes these sensors a perfect candidate for a more sustainable mining process and therefore a useful tool for their incorporation among the chain of sensors detailed for DINAMINE. To this end, SPECTRAL will manufacture and install a dedicated sensor at the feldspar mining operation (FEL, Portugal) to develop quantitative models for an early elemental characterization of the crushed rocks. This will also provide information to evaluate the benefits of in-pit crushing in terms of environmental and economic aspects.